Benford Chart for AEE 10Q Filed 8/5/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 2,249 Recent share count: 266,670,374 (2's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford Chart for AEE 10Q Filed 8/5/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 2,249 Recent share count: 266,670,374 (2's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford's Law Stocks Score for AEE = 99 | ||
Starting from a possible score of 100, we made the following score deductions: The 5's percentage was higher than the 4's percentage, increasing the penalty multiplier. We deducted point (includes the impact of penalty multiplier) upon observing the 5's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. |
AEE's Score Vs. Typical Stock | |||
1's | 2's | 3's |
We found 704 numbers that start with the digit 1. Here they are: 1 1.365 102,123,834 1,521 1,585 172 175 1,693 1,760 1,088 184 131 124 1,332 1,431 103 192 160 165 134 1 1 1 1.95 1.91 1.95 1.90 19 106 130 139 1,266 1,150 1,952 1,810 1,049 1,136 177 147 197 176 16,280 15,121 11,093 10,886 11,539 11,349 129 129 11,668 11,478 14 14 13 19 173 121 105 100 112 114 134 1,049 1,111 1,892 1,822 11 1 1,932 1,889 156 100 1,470 16 18 11 11 178 165 1 1 11,539 10,697 11,539 10,697 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 11,668 10,826 11,668 10,826 1 1.34 1.26 1,578 1,759 105 1,663 1,864 189 186 178 168 1,474 1,672 144 132 189 192 125 103 130 102 157 130 1 1 129 103 155 132 1 1 128 102 153 130 12 12 163 124 101 1,286 1,142 17,938 17,250 1,266 1,150 138 157 194 152 170 132 153 1,262 1,747 150.0 102.1 155 132 10 12 121 12 196 118 103 13 1,104 1,155 1 10 13 11 129 103 155 132 1 1 1,227 1,337 148 152 1,766 1,880 141 192 147 194 154 138 1,272 1,421 188 183 115 165 174 107 112 125 130 1 1 1 1 124 129 18 11 136 156 1,047 15,009 14,632 1,189 1,035 18,638 18,122 135 161 141 1,196 1,433 1,967 1,906 18,638 18,122 10 12 182 105 13 1 1 147 135 100 191 125 130 1 1 1 1 12 114 111 103 104 10.25 14 150 150 123 100 14 100 1,196 1,282 1,350 1,397 1,215 1,300 1,386 1,446 1,201 1,281 1,361 1,414 158 157 112 10.02 10.02 15 1.9 170 109 1,084 1,168 1,381 14 16 16 14 13 17 152 127 1 1 103 192 160 14 12 14 1 1 1 10 15 10 1 1 1 1 11 17 17 17 186 186 1 1 15 15 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 10 1 11 12 1 12 13 19 122 141 143 168 15 17 19 14 122 120 141 134 19 13 1 15 19 143 1 136 168 155 19 13 1 1 15 15 1 16 14 19 178 178 150 150 154 154 136 136 1,256 1,141 16 1,276 14 1,160 1 1 1 1 1 19 16 1,256 1,141 19 1,280 16 1,163 1 1 16 1 17 19 1 1 1 1 1 16 19 19 11 122 143 141 168 10 15 12 14 1 14 14 14 12 14 12 14 12 14 14 14 14 14 15 10 1 1 17,079 14,990 15,450 15,970 14,366 14,833 124 111 15 18 1 1 1 16 1 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 120 120 15,763 166 16,263 166 11 1.8 111 111 11 12 164 167 1 1 16 10 12 113 19 10 17 14 15 13 17 13 14 1 19 14 15 10 1 1 1 13 14 1 1 14 15 10 1 1 14 13 1 19 18 13 11 10 13 16 1 1 1 13 16 11 12 12 13 12 12 12 12 18 18 11 11 19 1 1 1 11 134 132 173 103 103 105 105 16 1 17 17 19 153,887 11 1 141 136 1 148 157 1,693 128 16 132 175 1,002 152 135 1,760 102 11 14 180 197 11 1,647 1,015 16 153 117 112 151 14 1,104 119 1,892 1,846 1,164 18 130 127 143 141 1,822 148 109 124 132 153 152 11 129 180 167 1,015 1,766 117 112 110 119 1,164 173 1,880 127 102 141 163 124 12 191 191 1,521 13 102 115 1 1 148 172 148 191 1,693 193 123 172 161 161 1,585 13 111 1 152 175 152 161 1,760 1,344 138 121 13 1,578 1,015 113 1,663 1,015 1,403 136 1,759 1,164 102 131 12 1 105 1 1,864 1,164 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 13 124 13 172 102 163 187 1 12 136 118 148 136 193 113 152 113 13 1,015 1,766 1,113 102 105 167 1,164 1,880 1 1 1 19 10 124 10 171 10,170 | We found 395 numbers that start with the digit 2. Here they are: 266,816,725 25,452,373 2,885 250 266 251 2,777 261 299 277 260 239 2 2 258 237 260 239 2 2 258 238 2 2 256 236 266.7 262.6 266.5 262.4 266.8 263.2 266.8 263.2 25 2,217 2,181 266.8 266.3 25 23 210 260 21 20 29 272 216 246 21 23 258 237 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 266.6 262.6 266.3 262.0 2 2 2 266.8 262.7 266.8 262.7 24 23 289 247 237 208 22 2 2 2 2 211 204 271 26 2,331 2,214 21,555 20,606 28 234 2,196 2,122 2,925 2,959 2,725 21,555 20,606 23 22 20 231 28 21 2 2 220 2,725 2,725 2,725 2,725 2,725 2,725 2 2 24 224 201 271 25 287 273 216 225 215 252 2,668 2,443 297 219 263 2,466 2,418 25.5 271 2 2 2 27 23 2 25 247 234 273 229 2,929 2,929 25 25 255 248 200 250 285 26 2.85 21 230 2 2 2.9 232 29 2.9 232 25 23 21 2 2 2 2 23 2 28 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 26 2 2 2 2 2 20 20 20 221 273 218 271 2 2 2 2 2 20 24 22 28 25 20 2 2 24 2 2 22 25 2 2 2 20 2 2 2 24 2 22 2 2 22 2 2 25 2 2 2 20 2 2 20 21 2 21 22 24 2 22 2 2 2 2 20 20 28 24.7 2.7 291 23 23 22 23 23 23 2 2 28 20 23 23 24 20 21 22 27 26 27 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 2 24 25 21 21 21 21 21 21 2 2 24 25 25 260 260 229 229 273 272 234 23 2 2 26 22 2 25 27 25 27 232 240 240 240 240 240 21 200 28 26 266.7 262.6 266.5 262.4 266.8 263.2 266.8 263.2 258 2 26 237 2 269 2 27 27 26 26 212 282 204 24 29 2 21 26 24 261 25 2 27 23 230 2,885 21 232 29 22 25 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 21 27 27 25 218 2 27 26 26 267 252 267 227 227 22 2 24 2 2 2 2 26,000 | We found 304 numbers that start with the digit 3. Here they are: 3,175 3,509 3,822 327 33 376 335 3,142 361 329 319 39 38 3 3 3 3 3 37 30 319 345 365 34,873 33,776 3,293 3,345 3 3 38 36 335 38 34 37 323 309 356 330 3 3 350 3 30 301 3 3 3 3 3 3,745 3,646 356 330 3,817 3,817 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 355 37 362 30 350 390 306 366 3,075 3,800 3,647 38 36 3 3 38 31 30 3 37 323 309 306 350 350 3 350 350 3,075 3,075 3,672 3,139 3,647 3,111 3,800 3,241 3,800 3,241 305 33 307 35 32 37 340 328 339 327 30 35 394 300 366 370 35 319 308 3,020 3,020 3,756 340 328 307 37 37 36 32 30 366 3 39 38 3,020 3,020 3,971 3,388 3,756 3,190 340 328 3,517 3,517 300 334 302 3 301 390 366 385 301 343 3 350 350 3.50 350 3 35 31 3 3 37 34 3 3 3 3 3 33 36 30 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 354 357 3 3 3 3 354 358 3 3 3 3 33 33 35 33 31 31 34 35 33 35 33 3 3,200 3.6 3.2 3 3 33 33 35 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 301 37 34 30 31 37 39 37 39 3 380 325 37 3 359,133 307,816 39 3 34 34 308 3,509 316 341 3,822 3 350 344 339 316 327 350 353 395 311 324 360 337 311 38 34 34 31 3 3 30 34 328 376 376 389 3 376 3,509 393 381 324 324 3,175 394 3 38 324 3,822 3 3 37 311 337 38 389 328 394 393 38 3 3 3 37 3,841 |
4's | 5's | 6's |
We found 201 numbers that start with the digit 4. Here they are: 480 42 465 450 499 494 407 411 411 4,873 42,334 40,830 4,325 4,176 446 426 400.0 4,299 4,136 42,334 40,830 44 4,219 4,136 4,299 4,299 476 403 49 41 426 410 40 41 407 443 44 499 479 434 403 494 459 41 447 440 40 44 44 411 411 412 4,752 4,632 45.0 49 49 4,070 42 43 46 498 49 49 49 49 4,070 4,070 446 470 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.7 4.3 4.5 4.8 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 49 45 450 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 49 41 4 41 4 4 42 45 40 4 414 417 4 4 4 4 414 418 4 4 4 47 4 47 4 41 4 47 43 43 460 467 4,867 4,867 45 47 44 4 4 43 40 43 40 42 44 45 45 490 490 4.5 490 44 46 46 46 42 46 48 42 40 42 42 40 42 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 49 42 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 43 4 433 4 410 437 487 47 43 43 43 48 400 442 44 459 45 4 4 413 47 48 435 48 420 495 44 4 | We found 221 numbers that start with the digit 5. Here they are: 579 522 504 519 501 522 504 519 502 516 514 566 581 5,244 536 501 5,531 5,512 522 504 53 50 519 501 5 56 501 52 520 508 58 53 5,991 56 5,997 5,905 5 511 511 50 532 5 511 511 511 511 539 543 578 596 50 5 55 52 58 5,551 5,232 55 5 53 5 52 500 50 50 519 56 5.0 50 50 50 52 53 50 536 578 5.55 5.53 5.57 5.56 509 5.60 5.68 5.68 5.68 595 5.14 5.04 5.10 5.10 592 5.55 5.55 5.60 5.60 5.51 5.41 5.28 5.04 5.25 500 5.20 5.55 5 5 5 53 52 53 5 5 5 5 5 5 57 50 50 56 56 5 5 59 5 5 52 52 54 52 5 52 5 5 54 5 54 5 5 5 5,851 5,251 5,251 5,800 5,800 5,232 53 52 54 56 508 500 500 56 56 57 56 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 51,317 509 59 540 539 519 543 55 501 5 509 57 59 540 52 539 55 55 543 54 54 509 5 5 509 504 540 540 583 53 5 53 539 539 558 589 543 543 5 509 50 540 5 53 55 539 55 54 543 54 5 | We found 131 numbers that start with the digit 6. Here they are: 624 647 655 655 680 605 62 691 655 6 66 65 6,861 6,860 6,880 6,880 6 67 63 610 63 67 63 68 618 69 6,830 6,963 63 65 6 6,557 6,557 618 627 68 60 6 62 656 603 64 6,825 691 637 624 6,495 6,495 61 691 694 625 63 6 6 69 6 6 62 68 6 6 6 6 6 61 68 68 61 60 61 61 68 68 68 60 68 6 6 61 68 6 68 64 6 6 61 68 62 69 65 6,830 6,069 6,069 6,341 68 6 6 67 67 6 6 6 65 63 69 65 6 61 6 638 66 68 61 6 66 68 697 6 608 61 624 684 65 647 60 61 608 60 61 6 |
7's | 8's | 9's |
We found 121 numbers that start with the digit 7. Here they are: 737 732 75 740 733 799 774 791 772 7,246 7,216 760 703 76 7 7 7,228 7,216 7 7,246 7,246 7 744 72 733 755 788 768 7,466 749 7,466 7,466 766 779 79 74 78 71 7,139 70 7 70 717 742 7 7,139 7,139 75 73 75 7 770 76.69 75 76 78 7 7 7 7 72 787 787 787 789 787 789 7 75 79 70 79 70 77 70 77 70 70 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 787 791 7 7 76 73 79 72 73 766 779 717 706 77 75 736 719 72 72 73 74 7 7 766 76 779 719 72 | We found 93 numbers that start with the digit 8. Here they are: 898 82 83 849 8 85 81 81 8 808 8 864 85 888 88 809 82 88 80 80 81 81 81 846 8 80 80 80 80 8 844 846 800 85 8.72 8.72 84 841 89.31 80.45 82 8 8 80 842 842 82 82 842 843 842 843 83 8 8 8 8 8 81 81 82 84 86 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 807 810 80 85 8 879 8 891 84 8 87 844 864 888 84 84 8 8 85 84 8 86 8 | We found 79 numbers that start with the digit 9. Here they are: 935 97 90 97 90 921 9 9 93 997 9 912 9 9 9 9 9 918 941 9 9 91 93 9 914 980 9 97 961 97 9 92 90 9.44 93 9.89 93 9 9 9 93 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 90 95 9 9 933 90 98 914 90 98 918 98 941 911 92 92 951 96 9 9 98 997 92 92 97 96 9 9 90 |
10Q Filed 8/5/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,249 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/9/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,367 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10K Filed 2/21/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 4,037 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/6/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,613 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/6/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,240 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/5/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,390 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10K Filed 2/28/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 4,149 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/6/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,579 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/3/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,304 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/4/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,327 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10K Filed 2/22/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 3,995 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/10/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,572 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/7/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,358 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/8/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,484 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10K Filed 2/29/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 4,060 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/5/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,630 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/5/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,302 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/4/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,330 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10K Filed 2/22/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 4,055 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/11/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,747 ■ = Typical AEE range from 11/8/2019 to 8/5/2024 |