Benford Chart for DOUG 10Q Filed 8/9/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 726 Recent share count: 91,714,666 (9's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford Chart for DOUG 10Q Filed 8/9/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 726 Recent share count: 91,714,666 (9's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford's Law Stocks Score for DOUG = 69 | ||
Starting from a possible score of 100, we made the following score deductions: The 4's percentage was higher than the 3's percentage, increasing the penalty multiplier. We deducted points (includes the impact of penalty multiplier) upon observing the 4's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. We deducted points (includes the impact of penalty multiplier) upon observing the 4's percentage was above the company's typical historical range. We deducted point upon observing the 5's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. The 8's percentage was higher than the 7's percentage, increasing the penalty multiplier. This is the 2nd column with percentage higher than the prior column, resulting in a penalty deduction. We deducted points (includes the impact of penalty multiplier) upon observing the 8's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. We deducted points upon observing the 9's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. We deducted points upon observing the 9's percentage was above the company's typical historical range. |
DOUG's Score Vs. Typical Stock | |||
1's | 2's | 3's |
We found 210 numbers that start with the digit 1. Here they are: 119,808 13,503 11,721 15,474 161,459 181,275 108,172 11,192 12,871 1,970 1,960 12,912 14,831 11,234 103,165 110,705 10,000 133 10,000,000 196,911 197,508 18,741 18,152 17,999 17,324 11,276 12,175 1,929 1,993 17,750 1,717 1,048 1,370 13 153 1,020 1,607 173 1,293 1,368 1,780 116 175 1,664 195,824 1,664 116 1,780 11 11 197,508 1,321 1 1 11 11 1,362 11 11 197,508 1,537 175 11 11 1,362 13 153 10,991 10,877 100 14,148 11,737 11,414 11,709 10,000 185 180 11 11 11 129,517 171,382 102,904 139,298 1,664 1,664 119,808 102,904 129,517 1,050 1,000 1,595 1,296 188 128 106 1,020 1,717 1.50 156 1,185 11,140 186 108 19 14,109 180 128,026 135,712 10,921 1,632 17,696 18,354 18,741 19 157,722 140,653 101,544 140,246 121,343 14,663 16,277 1,088 17,775 18,152 173,609 137,620 1,846 1,552 1,357 14,831 11,234 11,362 10,916 1,320 12,346 16,260 16,645 193 1,072 1,052 156 18,683 19,119 17,020 17,231 15,720 16,214 161,622 123,698 1,162 1,162 12,919 13,441 1,162 11,192 12,871 188 128 106 1,020 128 106 1,970 1,960 1,970 17,750 1,607 1,456 163 173 1,293 1,368 1,162 1,162 1,162 1,162 1,162 1,162 115,285 110,795 1,162 1,162 1,162 1,929 1,929 1,014 1,993 1,993 12,798 15,887 18,357 13,748 10,503 17,750 1,717 1,014 18,357 1,929 1,993 1,128 1,161 17,750 1,717 10,428 166 162 10,503 12,798 13,748 | We found 119 numbers that start with the digit 2. Here they are: 27,503 21,809 20,032 20,533 22,235 2,725 23,405 24,561 25,672 20,171 266,422 259,265 250,000,000 286,685 279,904 233,231 234,154 272,313 262,489 285,751 275,912 216,457 204,802 22,153 22,161 24,855 2,424 2,475 2 29,701 23,018 22,843 28 28 283,223 218,625 2 2 286,685 271,678 22,624 251,219 275,025 27,843 249,430 279,904 234,154 218,625 2 2 286,685 273,111 270,457 22,843 23,018 275,025 27,843 249,430 23,018 205 2,243 2,750 2,961 25,973 23,140 25 2,523 2,967 26,613 22,843 23,150 2,483 2,538 2,100 2,017 261,173 210 285,751 248,380 242 227 275,912 221 257 2,114 2,163 2,987 2,242 2,311 2,750 2,061 2,130 28,886 26,263 23,224 20,266 2,821 29,701 2,483 2,821 2,538 285,751 285,751 2,947 2,359 275,912 275,912 2,481 2,562 2,967 2,967 20,207 2,947 2,353 2,180 2,647 2,481 2,347 2,240 | We found 70 numbers that start with the digit 3. Here they are: 38,665 39,718 3,983 39,277 36,040 32,230 32,230 337 3,369 310 3,744 365,473 360,904 36,798 36,217 31,259 3,910 3,673 32,105 326 3,475 3,475 372 3,935 3,401 3,401 326 372 3,535,000 35 35 3,935 3,910 300 32,084 307 39 3,597 3,407 3,744 3,295 387 32,889 377 39,277 36,040 3,053 375 31 309 3,469 31,049 37,924 3,042 39 39 330 3,042 3,983 30.37 30.37 3,673 32,339 3,910 3,910 32,105 32,339 3,910 30 34,314 |
4's | 5's | 6's |
We found 89 numbers that start with the digit 4. Here they are: 4,204 463,930 493,419 47,552 463,930 493,419 460,578 464,525 4,048 485,990 489,894 43,451 43,400 4,032 45,137 42,097 43,465 41 43,139 407,800 4 4 41 4,220,604 42 42 47,552 43,139 43,465 4,017,800 40 40 4,222 4,222 4,220,604 42 42 43,465 4,032 408 4,614 4,711 4,222 4,233 43,139 43,139 4 48,948 4,048 49,597 442,882 4,922 421 485,990 431,636 437 489,894 4,216 4,847 449 4 4 489 42,097 42,262 42,262 41,898 41,898 489 489 489 489 40.25 40.25 4,273 485,990 485,990 45,137 489,894 489,894 4,032 4,032 4,614 4,614 4,032 4,477 4,044 4,273 41,338 | We found 74 numbers that start with the digit 5. Here they are: 5,292 51,178 597 51,871 5,433 598 507 598 536 5,178 5,219 52 52 597 5,219 5,178 597 5,000 5,358 5,629 5 5,219 5,219 540 501 536 598 505 50,000 50,620 53,685 51,070 58,277 50,095 526 54,140 5,974 5,855 51,178 5,506 5,575 5,575 5,506 565 570 565 570 540 501 536 5.9 50.0 5,000 503 507 507 507 59,595 59,595 51,200 51,200 507 507 507 5 5 5,043 598 507 598 598 507 598 5,043 | We found 38 numbers that start with the digit 6. Here they are: 6,827 6,136 62,075 6,671 63,554 6,163 629 6,471 6,683 6,830 6,830 6,224 6,224 6,830 6,224 6,682 629 629 629 6,202 66,889 6,900 6,217 6,671 6,030 62,075 6,461 653 6,296 629 6,471 6,683 6,683 6,620 6,632 6,602 6,632 6,620 |
7's | 8's | 9's |
We found 31 numbers that start with the digit 7. Here they are: 7,557 7,171 72,634 72,964 7,212 7,217 713 7,388 7,557 7,171 734 793 767 7.0 78,786 78,082 750 73,106 7,217 7,568 7,682 733 7,750 7,557 7,171 7,283 7,566 7,728 75 7,566 7,283 | We found 51 numbers that start with the digit 8. Here they are: 87,925,412 879 8,297 80 82 89,027 84,416,022 844 88,632,319 886 87,925,412 879 80,881,022 809 88,632,319 886 82 83,336,516 82,195,791 83,335,308 82,194,781 842 82 860 8.0 81,698 82,448 85,206 86,071 82,053 87,994 861 83,728 8,899 8,320 87 8,916 8.66 8.63 86 8,150 8,888 82 8,150 8,888 8,630 88,871 84,160 8,297 8,321 8,321 | We found 44 numbers that start with the digit 9. Here they are: 91,832,616 92,864 99,676 977 90,872 97,249 91,714,666 917 90,691 923 9,694 9,375 91,535,412 915 9,921 91,714,666 917 90,691 923 9,921 91,714,666 917 90,691 977 9,719 934 9,543 92,864 981 9,508 9,694 94,706 9,195 9,375 99,069 93,938 925 94,937 9,591 981 9,021 977 9,704 9,704 |
10Q Filed 8/9/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 726 ■ = Typical DOUG range from 3/31/2022 to 8/9/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/9/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 735 ■ = Typical DOUG range from 3/31/2022 to 8/9/2024 |
10K Filed 3/16/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 831 ■ = Typical DOUG range from 3/31/2022 to 8/9/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/11/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 429 ■ = Typical DOUG range from 3/31/2022 to 8/9/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/10/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 480 ■ = Typical DOUG range from 3/31/2022 to 8/9/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/9/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 714 ■ = Typical DOUG range from 3/31/2022 to 8/9/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/4/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 701 ■ = Typical DOUG range from 3/31/2022 to 8/9/2024 |
10K Filed 3/31/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 752 ■ = Typical DOUG range from 3/31/2022 to 8/9/2024 |
10K Filed 3/8/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 831 ■ = Typical DOUG range from 3/31/2022 to 8/9/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/15/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 475 ■ = Typical DOUG range from 3/31/2022 to 8/9/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/5/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 654 ■ = Typical DOUG range from 3/31/2022 to 8/9/2024 |