Benford Chart for HOVR 10Q Filed 1/14/2025 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 391 Recent share count: 24,574,247 (2's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford Chart for HOVR 10Q Filed 1/14/2025 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 391 Recent share count: 24,574,247 (2's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford's Law Stocks Score for HOVR = 36 | ||
Starting from a possible score of 100, we made the following score deductions: We deducted point upon observing the 1's percentage was below the company's typical historical range. We deducted point upon observing the 2's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. We deducted point upon observing the 2's percentage was above the company's typical historical range. We deducted point upon observing the 4's percentage was below the company's typical historical range. The 5's percentage was higher than the 4's percentage, increasing the penalty multiplier. We deducted points (includes the impact of penalty multiplier) upon observing the 5's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. We deducted point upon observing the 6's percentage was below the typical coverage universe range. The 7's percentage was higher than the 6's percentage, increasing the penalty multiplier. This is the 2nd column with percentage higher than the prior column, resulting in a penalty deduction. We deducted points (includes the impact of penalty multiplier) upon observing the 7's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. We deducted points (includes the impact of penalty multiplier) upon observing the 7's percentage was above the company's typical historical range. We deducted point upon observing the 8's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. We deducted points upon observing the 9's percentage was below the typical coverage universe range. |
HOVR's Score Vs. Typical Stock | |||
1's | 2's | 3's |
We found 106 numbers that start with the digit 1. Here they are: 1,816 1,761 151 1,962 1,333 19 100,000,000 18,607,931 14,683 17,933 1,962 1,259 1,259 18 13 143 181 19,664 16,753 1,211 19,664 16,753 1,211 15 15 18,607,931 14,683 17,933 1,799 1,799 1,925 1,925 17,594 13 13 19,664 19,664 103 1,925 1,925 1,062,244 168,832 1,385 13 13 1,062,244 168,832 1,843 1,496 1,496 1,579,776 1,496 168,832 101 1,054 16,753 1,211 19 118 113 1,580 1,340 103 1,816 1 17 152 152 16 16 155 151 19 1 1 10 1,938 169 10 15.0 1,035 1,035 1,142 1,496 10.61 10.61 1.76 1,879 1,906 103 100,000 100,000 103 12,065,375 11.50 12,065,375 11.50 17,765,375 180,000 139 180,000 103 13 118 15 15 | We found 79 numbers that start with the digit 2. Here they are: 2,431 23 205 236 29 20,938 22,877 24,574,247 2,070 2,353 219 2,847 227 229 24 2,035 2,030 21,400 21,400 22,938 22,732 24 24 23,599,144 21,246,788 24,574,247 21,930,531 26 26 2,911 2,911 2,800,000 21,519,247 22,133 24,574,247 2,070 2,353 28 290 21,400 2,030 252 27 278 228 24 299 205 272 2,431 236 2.0 24 20,938 20,938 27 21,514 20,965 28 2.18 20,965 21,678 278 21,400 2,800,000 2,041 27 27 24 24 23,599,144 21,246,788 24,574,247 21,930,531 25 235 229 2.49 2,708 | We found 41 numbers that start with the digit 3. Here they are: 31,230,914 374 3,657 30 3,274 3,274 3,000,000 33 33 394 341 33 346 3 3 3,947 3,262 306 31 300 300 30 3,657 352 3,305 3,657 352 3,305 3.61 3,305 3,000,000 3,540 3 3,100,000 3.8 391,396 33 33 30 366 307 |
4's | 5's | 6's |
We found 29 numbers that start with the digit 4. Here they are: 417 4,664 4,944 44 4,315 4,944 427 419 47 48 45,000 44 44 44 471 471 47 4,184 48 48 482 4 406 4.40 4.51 4.7 4.18 49 47 | We found 51 numbers that start with the digit 5. Here they are: 50 574 576 5,255 5,979 5,979 557 5,075,420 5,075,420 5,075,420 5,075,420 5,157 5,157 55,000 59 5,075,420 5,083 55 5,075,420 5,083 517,532 5,075,420 5,083 54 54 510 5,650 5,878 574 574 50 50 57 54 517,532 576 549 549 53 5.0 5,157 5,800,000 510 5,700,000 56 59 5,075,420 5,075,420 5,075,420 5,075,420 50 | We found 15 numbers that start with the digit 6. Here they are: 639 605 66,316 6,523 68 6,994 61 66 66 61 6 60 67 685,230 60 |
7's | 8's | 9's |
We found 42 numbers that start with the digit 7. Here they are: 75 715 78,307 74,406 77,656 724 740 740 740 79 76 74,406 77,656 74 74 76,323 78,307 740 740 7,734 740 7 7 7,122 75 7,044 7 76 75 75 76 76 740 75 76 73 74 79 76 75 75 75800000 | We found 24 numbers that start with the digit 8. Here they are: 887 851 82,730 840 824 824 84 83 80 80,862 82,730 887 8.4 851 84 84 80 80 8,800,000 8.05 865,230 83 80 8.4 | We found 4 numbers that start with the digit 9. Here they are: 90 929 94 96 |
10Q Filed 1/14/2025 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 391 ■ = Typical HOVR range from 3/29/2023 to 1/14/2025 |
10Q Filed 4/22/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 388 ■ = Typical HOVR range from 3/29/2023 to 1/14/2025 |
10Q Filed 8/10/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 279 ■ = Typical HOVR range from 3/29/2023 to 1/14/2025 |
10Q Filed 10/10/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 332 ■ = Typical HOVR range from 3/29/2023 to 1/14/2025 |
10K Filed 3/28/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 334 ■ = Typical HOVR range from 3/29/2023 to 1/14/2025 |
10Q Filed 5/15/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 219 ■ = Typical HOVR range from 3/29/2023 to 1/14/2025 |
10K Filed 8/15/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 350 ■ = Typical HOVR range from 3/29/2023 to 1/14/2025 |
10Q Filed 11/15/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 345 ■ = Typical HOVR range from 3/29/2023 to 1/14/2025 |
10K Filed 3/29/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 130 ■ = Typical HOVR range from 3/29/2023 to 1/14/2025 |