Benford Chart for NKGN 10Q Filed 9/12/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 940 Recent share count: 25,771,132 (2's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford Chart for NKGN 10Q Filed 9/12/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 940 Recent share count: 25,771,132 (2's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford's Law Stocks Score for NKGN = 81 | ||
Starting from a possible score of 100, we made the following score deductions: We deducted point upon observing the 1's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. We deducted points upon observing the 6's percentage was below the typical coverage universe range. We deducted point upon observing the 6's percentage was below the company's typical historical range. The 7's percentage was higher than the 6's percentage, increasing the penalty multiplier. We deducted points (includes the impact of penalty multiplier) upon observing the 7's percentage was above the company's typical historical range. We deducted point upon observing the 8's percentage was below the typical coverage universe range. The 9's percentage was higher than the 8's percentage, increasing the penalty multiplier. This is the 2nd column with percentage higher than the prior column, resulting in a penalty deduction. We deducted point (includes the impact of penalty multiplier) upon observing the 9's percentage was above the company's typical historical range. |
NKGN's Score Vs. Typical Stock | |||
1's | 2's | 3's |
We found 338 numbers that start with the digit 1. Here they are: 1,654 1,249 1,930 13,856 14,459 15,648 16,481 15,104 13,395 10,511 15,804 154 10,372 124,586 121,727 10,706 17,792 183,600 162,130 15,648 16,481 15,078 13,409 15,078 13,409 1,036 1,716 13,157 13,886 152 10,395 1,283 14,155 107 118 16,088 16,171 16,088 16,171 13,316,277 13,315,268 1.21 122,844 10,389 167,512 1,097 1,097 1 16,088 16,088 124,586 10,706 183,600 13,315,149 1 13,315,149 1 1,513 13,316,662 1 12,356 121,727 17,792 162,130 1 124,586 10,706 183,600 1,563 13,303,795 1 13,303,795 1 1,563 12,867 12 12 16,171 16,171 13,316,662 1 12,356 16,171 185 1,036 1,494 13,886 152 14,155 1,560 149 190 17 10,033 10,444 15 12 116 1,742 10,066 11,829 1,355 117 1,472 1,222 1,472 16 12 183.6 1 15.0 10,209,994 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,173,631 18,637 1,272,000 15,595,260 13,316,662 15,595,260 1,667 10,210 10,000 1,250 18,913 1,938 10,210 1,841 1.3 10.44 10.44 1 10.0 1 15,123 14,181 15.1 10.44 14.2 1.0 10.44 10.0 1.1 1,418 1.1 1.4 1.27 1,167,990 1,768,121 1,753 17,792 15,804 1,418 10,389 10,085 168 10,706 10,511 11.50 18.00 11.50 1,000,000 11.50 18.00 18.00 11.50 10,209,994 1.00 10.2 10.00 12.50 15.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1,250,000 1.50 10.0 15.0 1.4 1.4 16,667 1 1 1 1 12.8 10.0 1 1.5 12 1 1 1 1 16 1,100 1,356 10.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.5 1,000,000 1,210,000 1,909,795 1,859,795 10.0 10.00 11 10,147 14 10,372 17.3 1.7 1 15.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,773,631 1,173,631 1,343,113 14.00 16,758 16,758 10,511 10,511 1.3 18.9 1,817 1,160 18 149 17 1,657 1,143 105.0 144.0 108.0 151.0 14.7 17.5 14.1 17.8 1,424 1,747 1,822 19,704 16 1,023 16,758 13.3 12.2 17.8 12.7 101.0 105.0 100.0 122.0 105.0 100.0 10.5 1.27 116.0 165.0 145.0 105.0 115.0 14 14 12 137 17.4 17.5 16.9 17.8 1.4 1 10,000,000 12.0 1.62 125,810 1.62 124 124 1,307,233 124 11.2 177 1,892 1,702 1,097 17 17 112 18,199 18,284 13,856 14,459 1,565 16 1,654 12,694 11,040 1,523 1,360 114 15,104 13,395 12,579 12,579 13,157 13,886 13,237 168 117 1,283 137 137 10,395 1,283 14,155 1 1 1 1 117 1.0 1.0 1 1 1 | We found 168 numbers that start with the digit 2. Here they are: 26 250 250 25 202 262 23,236 25,759 25,771,132 21,888,976 2 2,562 2,784 21,470 21,470 24,168,733 23,061,985 22,388,976 2 297 297 25,771,132 21,888,976 2 2,214 2,214 297 297 2,764 2,764 21,470 21,470 25,771,132 2,240 2,240 21,470 2,214 2,240 2,784 29 296 298 20 200 250 215 276 250 250 222 2,072 297 2,847,661 2,114,054 2,278,598 2,101,760 2,516,744 2,278,598 21,888,976 2,089 20,201 204 23,876 2.0 2.7 2.0 2.00 24.5 20.2 200,000 20 200,000 200,000 2,764 2.8 200,000 248,360 248,360 2,626 2,764 258 250 2.00 2.00 2.00 24,001 2,847,661 20.0 2.00 24.6 22,000 2 2.00 2.5 250,000 2 2,292 2,550 23.3 23.2 23.2 24.0 24.0 24.0 2,797,661 2 206 211 2,278,598 2.9 2 2 2 20 20.00 20 23,236 23,236 2.8 2,278,598 250 250 27.5 20.0 25.0 25,339 25,759 23,360 297 297 23,236 22.0 24.0 25.0 25,771,132 25.0 2,078,986 2,295,000 2,078,986 208 2,214 2,240 27 23 26 22 2 258 258 297 2,784 2,784 2 22.4 242 249 2 2 200,000 2 250,000 2.8 2,750,000 2,083,333 2.5 2.8 2,750,000 2,083,333 | We found 102 numbers that start with the digit 3. Here they are: 35,362,376 3,617 39,452 316 33 33 3 3,086 338 33 3,382,156 31 32 317 317 3 32,602,843 33 32,602,843 33 32 3,882,156 31 32 317 317 3 32,575,043 33 32,575,043 33 32 35 30 30 3,831 319 329 329 317 3 3,432,286 38,185,814 3.3 3,683,010 3,510 3,168,121 32.9 32.9 32.9 396 3 3 3,766 317 3,432,286 3 3 3,633,796 3 3 330,000 3 3,070,929 3 30 30 300,000 3,617 3,617 3,617 3,934 377 323 398 3,717 378 35.3 3,926 311 3,617 3.0 36 3.74 317 3.74 3.74 322 3,825 3 320 320 396 35 35 367 311 3 3 3 3 3 |
4's | 5's | 6's |
We found 86 numbers that start with the digit 4. Here they are: 450 4,991 4,991 4,336 411 4,049 4,371 4,939 4,639 4,639 4,939 43 4,825 40 408 4,721,533 4,248,176 46,716,283 4.2 4.0 4.3 442 4 4 4,639 4,721,533 429 4.4 400,000 416,667 4 4 416,667 4 416,667 4.0 416,666 416,666 4 4 4.6 4.9 4.6 4,290,375 400,000 425 425 47 47 4,336 4,336 48,959 45,342 478 478 4,346 412 45.0 40.0 40.0 43 429 429 426 46 4,430 4,430 42 425 47 4,336 474,228,868 4,248,176 4.2 4,248,176 4,248,176 4.19 4.9 4,004 4,004 4,343 47 4,430 4,430 4,939 4.0 | We found 83 numbers that start with the digit 5. Here they are: 5,000 5,000 57 51,408 500,000,000 500 58,693 5,761 565 5,222 59 55,055 5,497 5,497 500 58,693 500 500 589 5,000 500 53 513 572 5 523,140 5,044,382 5,830,929 5,393,914 5,579,266 5,146,354 5,400 514,889 5 5 500 535 523,140 5,830,929 550,000 5.0 5 5.0 5 550,000 5.0 550,000 500 5,000 550 5,000 550,000 5.0 5,579,266 5.0 5.0 550,000 5,166 5,166 543 596 525 5,206 5,247 5,263 5,166 5,045 572 500,000,000 538 5,025 5,025 52 52 5,222 595 5 5 5.0 5 500,000 5 5.0 | We found 32 numbers that start with the digit 6. Here they are: 688 69,717 6,322 6,611 6,611 647 62 639 61 6 67 69,717 69,717 603 63 639 6,293,716 679 6,040,789 6 6 6 60.0 60.0 619 61.7 6.25 6.65 6.25 6 679 608 |
7's | 8's | 9's |
We found 53 numbers that start with the digit 7. Here they are: 79 722 7,259 75,174 7,648 7,457 7,457 7,849 7,849 7,849 7,849 79,176 79,176 732 700 739 79 7.5 7.5 7,456 7,572 7 7 7 7 7 7.5 739 7.5 7.5 7,259 7,259 728 728 7,866 739 739 7,259 75.0 701 7,376 76.0 78.0 75.0 7 7 774 749 749 773 729 757 757 | We found 33 numbers that start with the digit 8. Here they are: 85,365 8,756 81,968 87,498 82,000 87,498 8 8 82,990 80,706 80,738 82,990 873 8,866 844 860 873 8 8.0 8.2 873,631 840 840 8.30 80.0 803 89 840 85.0 8,325 8,325 873 84 | We found 45 numbers that start with the digit 9. Here they are: 9 920 93 92 9,930 91 96 93 982 982 95,347 95,347 91 91 9 950 97 93,962 9,661 9,707 90.0 950 916,667 916,667 9,930 942 9,520 98.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 99.0 96.0 98.0 97.0 98.0 98.0 99.0 98.0 92.0 920 982 920 911 9,520 |
10Q Filed 9/12/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 940 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/14/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 615 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10K Filed 3/31/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 450 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/16/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 232 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/16/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 243 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/20/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 737 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/14/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 364 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/14/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 344 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10K Filed 3/30/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 229 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10Q Filed 7/2/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 147 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10K Filed 4/16/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 710 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/15/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 268 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/15/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 334 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/15/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 238 ■ = Typical NKGN range from 7/2/2021 to 9/12/2024 |