Benford Chart for NODK 10Q Filed 8/8/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 1,955 Recent share count: 20,629,454 (2's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford Chart for NODK 10Q Filed 8/8/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 1,955 Recent share count: 20,629,454 (2's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford's Law Stocks Score for NODK = 95 | ||
Starting from a possible score of 100, we made the following score deductions: We deducted point upon observing the 2's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. We deducted point upon observing the 2's percentage was above the company's typical historical range. We deducted point upon observing the 5's percentage was below the company's typical historical range. The 9's percentage was higher than the 8's percentage, increasing the penalty multiplier. We deducted points (includes the impact of penalty multiplier) upon observing the 9's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. |
NODK's Score Vs. Typical Stock | |||
1's | 2's | 3's |
We found 551 numbers that start with the digit 1. Here they are: 1,403 10,236 13,793 17,404 12,907 10,866 162,457 148,527 119,185 157,730 126,100 147 17,758 141,297 197,827 155,053 141,706 1,099 1,923 173 1,230 162,306 147,301 109,502 101,202 19,290 16,784 16,934 15,276 162,543 148,266 1,592 113 1,512 11,973 16,236 12,332 12 12 16,236 16,236 16,950 16,950 11,931 11,931 113 12,332 12,735 140 138 188 188 140 138 108 107 10,260 10,481 10,032 10,328 16,236 16,236 1 197,827 1,074 1,136 1,136 184 154 197,827 113 108 1 1,934 12,332 12,735 107 174 1,934 12,735 1,512 11,973 1,230 1,136 148 152 1,430 16,707 18,268 10,493 15,865 19,887 15,596 17,213 129 10,500 13,767 12,650 1,117 154 174 17,607 10,743 10,353 100 10.00 10,500 1,772 12,075 11,741 191 125,282 138 116,440 10,998 10,262 152,630 10,856 142,216 180 148 142 1,320 1,116 1,320 12,663 12,454 131,823 120,074 152,586 139,631 112 14,678 106,267 121 1,928 110,117 10,763 118,135 10,856 12,054 104 18 182 189 195 1,699 1,594 1,923 1,419 1,130 191 13,018 191 13,018 185 15 182 1,041 182 1,481 11,537 10,307 173 1,230 1 116 12 174 1,242 11,741 11,741 116,440 116,440 18,108 18,108 10,262 10,262 142,216 142,216 1,877 1,877 19,412 18,108 18,108 18,108 18,108 16,239 16,239 19,412 133,000 1,000 11,000 1,000 10,000 100 105 1,000 11,000 1,000 140,488 111,082 144,250 106,162 16,265 11,183 12,843 126,563 100,552 126,251 191,636 1,403 186,109 171,773 118,472 121,576 11,663 15,984 109,149 108,032 19,582 19,540 17,414 15,383 18,219 15,311 166,899 193,948 153,292 1,403 17,329 12,650 12,989 186,661 155,053 176,428 141,706 143,222 166,010 157 17,710 10,483 133,008 136,331 114,869 108,164 157 109,502 101,202 15,218 11,509 11,441 17,429 100 13.0 100.0 19,046 19,290 16,784 190,459 168,150 152,884 125,235 126,854 133,008 136,331 110,685 107,508 148,527 139,104 178,530 119,185 114,296 112,725 105,710 101,120 100,574 109,502 101,202 148,527 137,535 10,948 139,104 126,587 11,179 16,743 107,508 1,249 1,403 12,259 14,538 1,441 1,441 1,265 1,319 18,947 11,361 11,757 187 188 187 156 18,947 18,947 11,361 11,361 18,756 11,304 11,757 100 100 100 1,489 1,937 1,900 1,900 1,937 100 100 100 1,689 1,937 100 100 1,800 1,800 1,937 105 118 12 175 131 15,394 13,275 189 1.0 10.00 176 164 170,205 15.30 1,068 122 196 192 196 12 122 196 102 103 12 185 185 196 120 100 1,974 193 1,781 127,108 120,206 10,000 1 1,000,000 100,000 1,000 150 100 115,360 17.00 13.76 16.32 146,580 15.37 103,600 14.45 14.82 180,760 15.06 174 127 199 1,620 190,000 17.00 13.85 14.26 16.53 14.19 18.64 15.12 184 139 142 107 150 1,591 187 119 198 132 178 19,727 14,915 16,030 15,697 17,904 14,827 16,030 15,697 10,500 1,772 12,272 15,656 17,904 162,457 141,297 15,383 15,311 14 1,419 1,130 1 116 12 15,755 15,901 11,441 17,429 1,495 1,820 17,019 1,264 1,917 14,952 1,484 1,512 11,973 13,118 150 10,978 19,313 1,648 1,852 19,929 19,313 102 15,811 10,261 1,712 1,464 1,955 11,708 1,592 100.5 15.6 119.1 110.6 133.6 113.7 15,357 11,927 11,533 1,187 1,685 13,793 13,793 148,527 157,730 17,526 13,336 18,456 14,139 18,414 12,702 1,621 18,867 14,139 17,915 1,676 1,951 18,758 1,224 1,095 1,923 173 113 120.1 105.6 118.1 107.1 10,322 1,009 10,948 14,032 14,032 11,603 10,628 137,535 145,679 12,915 166,899 147 12,650 155,053 114,869 1,086 1,149 1,448 1,953 109,502 13,351 15,549 13,857 13,943 1,711 1,964 1,099 18.1 101.1 109.7 111.1 104.8 17,516 153,292 1,403 1,853 192 12,989 12,612 141,706 12,032 108,164 157 157 1,303 1,631 1,463 101,202 11,347 13,771 12,279 17,791 12,464 1,815 1,307 1,230 116.3 115.1 104.6 | We found 420 numbers that start with the digit 2. Here they are: 20,648,642 289,399 22,973 21,983 2,006 2,006 26,790 2,473 2,325 2,728 2,728 24,368 25,000,000 23,000,000 20,648,642 20,599,908 230 230 208,376 20,192 21,384 2,281,563 2,330,297 2,758 239,450 250,399 2,523 237 203 2,576 2,463 20,970,384 21,281,542 20,951,579 21,325,007 20,970,384 21,281,542 20,951,579 21,325,007 2,770 2,770 2,730 2,730 209 209 2,114 2,114 2,954 2,490 2,628 2,766 2,906 2,977 2,138 2,246 2,300 2,407 221 296 230 218,451 23,858 255,846 294 230 20,192 239,450 230 208,376 21,384 2,758 250,399 2,758 2,114 2,114 230 20,192 239,450 230 209,710 24,848 28,803 2,155 253,071 2,138 2,246 2,602 2,602 214 283 230 201,518 26,986 240,383 230 214,121 29,286 28,818 2,230 253,207 2,300 2,407 271 230 201,518 26,986 240,383 25 253 2,963 2,362 2,041 29,342 23,238 2,381 20,649 227 2,878 21,012 24,409 21,012 202 20,429 2,848 20,000 21 28,301 25,038 236 26,756 29,439 26,756 26,756 24,899 289,399 204 28 240 21,112 23,040 23,230 29,756 211,860 26,170 255,758 26,756 2,678 23,713 26,391 246,744 29,740 279,196 211,860 26,170 255,758 26,756 211,860 26,170 255,758 26,756 24,049 211,367 24,390 235,416 24,899 246,744 29,740 279,196 2,624 2,283 207 2,654 2,523 2,505 257 256 25,038 25,038 22,973 22,973 22,973 22,973 29,439 29,439 25,890 25,890 27,767 27,767 25,596 22,973 22,973 22,973 22,973 289,399 289,399 21,983 21,983 27,767 27,767 25,596 20,000 2,000 2,000 20,000 2,340 2,440 20,439 243,145 205,982 234,806 2,477 2,839 26,072 20,677 28,898 21,266 219,550 208,747 2,340 2,440 22,016 22,674 201,513 2,477 2,839 20,359 224 269 29,836 224 269 28,938 28,353 22,717 23,506 2.0 29,768 25,962 23,353 23,372 20,579 28,948 24,210 26,790 22,675 21,499 26,472 26,472 217,119 232,038 28,989 24,115 26,280 23,506 22,207 2,733 2,953 21,654 2,898 21,654 2,628 2,628 2,628 2,628 2,628 2,628 2,628 2,628 2,628 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 211 236 25 2,621 225 2,758 2,758 210 231 212 2,400 2.79 2.50 21.1 244 20 26 244 203 204 24 247 247 256 212 212 280 2,254 26 218 254 2,036 20,599,908 21,076,255 238,164 20,648,642 20,885,978 238,164 2,052 257 287 213,800 229,000 277 285 214 216 251 274 265 2 2 2 2 2,445 22 256 23,506 23,044 268 2,979 26 26 23,395 26,820 24,999 2,643 265 22,471 26,743 21,924 20,899 22,574 247 23 224 22,026 2,542 2,274 27,519 2,831 2,491 2,523 25.5 26,393 2,772 2,120 2,726 2,728 2,728 26,336 21,695 21,508 21,744 22,994 2,850 2,580 279 20,543 21,645 20,414 2,897 2,500 2,499 2,683 24,259 2,443 239 2,576 2,463 28.3 20.0 29.5 23,840 2,344 2,832 26,470 2,416 2,736 2,736 28,067 27,193 2,046 247 22 269 2,137 20,565 2,965 237 27,937 2,937 26,634 2,715 2,462 2,690 203 24.5 21.5 | We found 256 numbers that start with the digit 3. Here they are: 303,415 379,784 354,425 348 394 31,157 331,537 34,298 35,177 3,614 36,107 31,788 3,261 306 359 36 36 38 38 30 30 3,094 3,115 32 31 34,599 301 34,298 35,177 3,832 34,298 396 396 31,122 3,223 3,223 31,122 3,690 341 309 36,107 31,788 35,585 331 36,677 3,611 31,630 34,754 34,760 3,827 32,682 32,239 32,365 3,935 3,244 3,776 3,223 3,397 30,782 33,862 300,000 355 38 3,324 3,699 3,738 3,298 329,486 303,415 33,532 3,805 376,730 30,319 347,731 329,486 303,415 329,486 303,415 313,182 376,730 30,319 347,731 3,738 3,298 329,486 303,415 376,730 347,731 3,212 327 355 36,207 30,354 38,889 3,282 3,324 3,656 3,699 3,297 3,297 359 36,194 33,341 30,200 3,787 34,663 3,805 32,452 30,319 35,377 32,452 30,319 3,330 3,614 3,144 344 381 344 390 3,298 3,298 303,415 303,415 344,496 303,415 347,731 347,731 353,915 303,415 303,415 303,415 303,415 344,496 303,415 347,731 347,731 3,173 353,915 3,000 39,083 38,344 32,889 31,056 32,319 30,067 3,777 35,129 3.0 36,565 31,350 34,120 39,167 31,157 34,124 31,157 34,124 35,585 36,107 31,788 31,157 31,157 3,795 37,575 39,930 38,468 35,129 30,360 370 341 309 348 300 348 306 32,987 3,269 3,000 30,229 32,987 378 33 3,000 346 3.95 3.95 393 396 376 376 3,223 371 369 32 348 394 348 38,000 31,056 30,067 32,605 31,231 35,129 3,795 3,088 3,675 34,522 3,168 3,075 3,053 3,667 340 30.4 38.4 33.1 32.3 36,382 31,157 33,643 38,682 36,170 326 3,695 3,261 32.7 30.3 30.9 3,114 31,935 30,503 35,317 301 3,989 32,308 36,182 35,356 31,222 36,182 34,207 3,675 3,844 306 35.7 31.1 39.8 32.2 34.2 34,081 31,177 34,493 31,177 3,614 359 30.5 30.8 30.4 33.2 |
4's | 5's | 6's |
We found 188 numbers that start with the digit 4. Here they are: 41,037 404,487 490 403 47 47 40 40 403 487 487 4,380 4,380 4,380 4,380 403 491 40,474 44 43,904 491 4,534 43,065 48 41,037 40,726 4,897 48,926 43,903 440 408 4,716 442 4,241 49,029 4,747 4,161 44,682 40,147 47,806 42,620 4,747 4,161 4,785 45,226 4,897 4,940 42 43 440 440 43,898 4,357 41,433 4,716 45,395 4,236 4,241 4,463 4,161 4,161 43,898 43,898 43,780 4,466 423 448 432 4,744 440 457 442 472 43,903 43,903 41,081 49,029 49,029 4,161 4,161 401,094 47,179 41,081 401,094 47,179 4,000 4,000 4,602 4,199 4,455 4,229 41,632 40,858 4,216 4,847 49,070 43,523 44,035 40,474 4,464 4,307 4,083 48,969 45,494 45,320 41,857 43,193 42,509 47,174 45,320 42,560 430 453 448 480 442 4,276 477 420 45 42.0 40 48 4.46 4.46 497 401 401 48,734 47,887 432 42 49,587 437 426 47,346 417 426 4 4 4 4 42,509 438 4,083 46,183 405 41 44 41 44 4,216 4,294 48.0 4,082 4,691 411 499 4,492 4,120 490 40.3 44,950 4,691 48,690 46,619 49,244 44,573 43,339 4,068 45,551 4,811 4,326 49.6 42,050 42,716 45,426 40,197 42,524 40,405 412 4,597 4,505 40,504 47,064 471 403 41.8 | We found 126 numbers that start with the digit 5. Here they are: 51,390 56,154 570,987 570,987 5,278 580 543 543 5,659 58 58 555 555 523 51,390 55 56,568 51,862 5,061 54,596 51,133 55,769 51,461 5,379 52,692 586 5,420 58,332 5,061 586 5,239 5,275 5,379 5 586 586 579 586 586 509 5,350 5,420 579 5,496 5,208 5,278 582 589 580 51,862 51,862 51,133 51,133 51,461 51,461 58,332 58,332 5,784 5,784 5,000 5,636 57,846 50,010 54,372 53,508 55,425 5,564 51,943 5,211 5,511 5,511 5,511 5,953 5,932 52 512 53,780 559 58 593 59,979 56,154 58,332 5,784 5,464 59 5,422 582 5,659 56 56 503 548 580 54,147 501 5,126 5,796 5,501 5,785 52,866 51,878 503 5,905 563 51,731 5,981 5,636 5,754 53,041 506 5,016 5,278 543 543 5,584 501 5,021 5,405 518 5,968 5,704 5,177 5,973 59.0 54.9 | We found 111 numbers that start with the digit 6. Here they are: 6,460 654,886 698 698 654,886 695 69,358 60,077 685 616 616 628 660 677 698 698 698 698 6,658 630 648 6,654 6,864 61 685 66,362 61,163 685 685 63,548 64,545 61,560 65,882 6,403 6,071 6,526 67 6,977 621 6,697 61,163 61,163 6,184 6,184 6,184 653 653 6,984 67 66,211 67 6,201 69,358 60,077 66.0 60,675 62,188 6,460 628 609 62,188 6,756 6,756 6,756 6,756 6,756 6,756 6,756 6,756 6,700 682 6,918 69,795 6 6 60 61,935 61,614 69,420 63,600 64,600 63 621 653 6,984 69,358 6,836 695 66.6 6,719 69,951 66,211 67 67 6,201 60,077 6,194 685 65.3 61.6 62.2 6,412 6,243 6,955 690 69.9 61.0 6,575 6,444 6,560 65.9 |
7's | 8's | 9's |
We found 103 numbers that start with the digit 7. Here they are: 7,586 7,452 78,835 751 7,475 7,478 762 7,478 7,762 7,762 77 77 714 714 708 714 714 70 72 7,058 7,260 7,058 736 72,035 75,794 72,602 79,281 7,245 736 736 70 731 75 78,835 7,993 77,506 73,350 7,119 7.0 7,998 7,998 7,617 7,140 7,330 7,093 7,938 7,928 7,379 7,998 7,652 7,998 7,652 7,773 7,773 76,163 7,586 7,586 748 7,448 7,411 7,200 7,448 7,411 799 706 767 79,800 7,762 79,772 7,330 7,311 7 7,928 7,379 7,143 77 73,350 7,311 779 7,430 7,246 7,348 7,478 7,478 72.2 73.5 7,036 78,835 7,506 76.2 7,974 727 7,490 70.0 78.9 70.6 79.1 7,119 7,435 751 762 73.3 71.4 | We found 93 numbers that start with the digit 8. Here they are: 8,069 85,169 876 87,807 81,075 8,229 84,336 8,122 8,122 8,235 8 849 879 8,122 8,235 822 876 863 8,216 8,343 8,980 86,185 8,740 8,980 8,535 8,018 8,403 869 807 82 876 836 827 804 86,622 827 8,614 85,169 804 8,743 8,027 8,539 8,277 88,568 80,799 8,596 8,586 8,382 83,123 80,325 8,849 8,153 883 85 83 8.50 8.50 85,000 84 87,400 84 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 815 85,169 8,916 846 810 88.7 81.4 82.2 8,770 86,622 827 8,614 8,210 8,730 856 87.8 81.6 8,870 804 879 876 85.3 85.8 80.5 | We found 107 numbers that start with the digit 9. Here they are: 92,831 9,423 9,228 912 96,581 96,294 96,877 9,070 965 996 9,817 9,817 9,817 953 953 923 923 96,320 96,581 96,294 9,817 9,817 96,581 95,568 941 95,750 941 95,671 941 901 901 919 95,750 941 9,817 901 940 9,612 9,436 9,283 9,019 91,589 9,018 9,018 93 92 97 99 9 9 98 958 992 9,357 94,146 91,500 95,149 9.0 9,477 99,866 9,423 9,477 9,423 97,934 94,503 9,897 9,897 9,384 9,384 9,384 9,348 9,348 97 92 98 96 98 98 92,831 91,249 92,831 91,249 99 97,934 9 996 91,500 924 970 9,070 92,831 9,598 930 9,423 9,827 965 99 946 985 91.8 9,793 91,249 9,429 9,132 902 965 96.7 |
10Q Filed 8/8/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,955 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/7/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,602 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10K Filed 3/8/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,637 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/6/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,114 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10K Filed 3/11/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 4,323 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/9/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,112 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/8/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,607 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/7/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,584 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10K Filed 3/9/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,615 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/6/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,467 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10K Filed 3/15/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 2,677 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/8/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,138 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/4/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,580 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/6/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,948 ■ = Typical NODK range from 11/6/2019 to 8/8/2024 |