Benford Chart for PTPI 10Q Filed 11/13/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 758 Recent share count: 10,008,822 (1's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford Chart for PTPI 10Q Filed 11/13/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total numbers found: 758 Recent share count: 10,008,822 (1's column) ■ = Typical range across full coverage universe |
# of Numbers Found in Filing | |||
Benford's Law Stocks Score for PTPI = 81 | ||
Starting from a possible score of 100, we made the following score deductions: We deducted point upon observing the 2's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. We deducted point upon observing the 7's percentage was below the typical coverage universe range. We deducted points upon observing the 7's percentage was below the company's typical historical range. The 8's percentage was higher than the 7's percentage, increasing the penalty multiplier. The 9's percentage was higher than the 8's percentage, increasing the penalty multiplier. This is the 2nd column with percentage higher than the prior column, resulting in a penalty deduction. We deducted points (includes the impact of penalty multiplier) upon observing the 9's percentage was above the typical coverage universe range. |
PTPI's Score Vs. Typical Stock | |||
1's | 2's | 3's |
We found 245 numbers that start with the digit 1. Here they are: 10,014,872 13,336,975 1,948,613 1,405,651 1,610,391 1,649,212 1,182,899 1,826,319 10,724,480 18,819 124,930 1,156,550 1,600,992 1,713,253 1,742,918 12,562,104 10,770,751 137,657 17,576,521 1,000 15,000 15,000 1,039 10,022 1,260,385 11,271,365 1,398 10,014,872 1,002 107,049,640 110,960,324 103,934,931 12,071,041 1,576,366 1,674,657 1,473,073 1,289,361 1,266,182 1,574,760 11,987,622 13,292,311 11,739,000 11,739,000 168,481 158,730 131,351 11,088,997 11,088,997 119,087 1,863,998 1,051,695 1,153,846 1,974,359 1,153,846 16,008,578 1,115,762 109,783,623 101,714,270 136,986 14 1,974,359 1,974,359 1,974,359 1,039 1,398 10,014,872 1,002 107,049,640 103,934,931 10,022 110,960,324 12,071,041 197,215 197,215 10,498,597 1,039 1,398 10,014,872 1,002 107,049,640 103,934,931 107,602,301 12,944,289 15,000,003 15,000 1,153,846 1,153,846 1,153,846 1,154 1,279,016 13,846 124,531 106,140,063 107,428,652 16,702,467 15,000,003 15,000 1,153,846 1,153,846 1,153,846 1,154 1,279,016 13,846 124,531 106,140,063 16,579 101,328 11,739,000 11,088,997 1,595,000 197,215 1,386,593 112,287 1,179,294 111,283 19,138 19,138 1,089,683 15,000,003 13,910,320 13,336,975 17,969,949 1,742,918 1,368,546 1,153,846 1.8 103.9 10,201,758 15 1.2 1.3 1 1 114,073 1,948,613 14 19 17 14 18 16 1,257,152 1,430,139 148,499 180,252 1,405,651 1,610,391 115,755 1,417,348 101,281 118,704 111,476 1,826,319 12,244,484 1,754,329 1,442,186 1,212,871 128,562 15,000 100,668 196,760 10,201,758 10,201,758 1.0 1.5 10,000 136,986 197,215 14.93 15,097 14.49 15,176,274 15,176,274 1 10,201,758 1,542,904 100 14.2 10.2 1.4 104,309 170,822 1.8 194,035 1,774,594 1,673,122 1,522,207 1,129,964 1,473,073 1,006,666 1,398,890 1,499,842 1,574,760 1,726,409 11,739,000 11,739,000 11,088,997 11,088,997 1,159,582 1,576,366 1,229,071 158,730 158,730 1,109,984 1,674,657 1,256,814 19,588 11,739,000 11,739,000 168,481 168,481 131,351 131,351 11,088,997 11,088,997 1,397,969 1,496,988 178,397 177,669 1,576,366 1,674,657 15,640,046 15,000 1,000 13 107 15 1,500,000 17 12.5 15.0 1,144,582 104,693 125 1,265,662 1,153,846 1,153,846 1,153,846 1,153,846 1,153,846 1,153,846 1,250,000 1,153,846 125 1,500,000 | We found 152 numbers that start with the digit 2. Here they are: 2,226,151 2,033,980 20,390,396 28,957 2,999,514 226,259 20,693,630 2,326,050 2,047,583 21,315,772 250,000,000 250,000,000 2,991,377 298 20,693,630 287,005 2,301,305 2,001,935 2,855,000 2,855,000 2,513,105 2,175,126 2,480,385 2,339,748 202,000 287,722 257,133 2,220,661 2,220,661 2.18 2.85 2,108,747 2,119,620 236,821 236,821 236,821 232,085 232,143 2,220,661 2,220,661 2,991,377 298 269,953 270,000 2,119,620 211 249,701 249,701 249,701 2,119,620 211 2,079,387 208 204,492 204,492 249,701 249,701 249,701 2,119,620 211 2,175,126 2,480,385 204,492 270,000 260,959 239,795 234,364 281,372 234,721 21,544,000 2,299,300 2,887,317 2,946 2,462 26,066 24,639 207,602 235,097 2,226,151 28 25 23 25 24 21 25 22 24 260,356 295,411 208,900 2,033,980 2,145,850 2.7 2.1 2.5 224,465 2,720,940 2,326,050 200,000 245,158 204,492 252.53 210,067 210,067 2 250 250 2,086,180 2,300,460 2,513,105 2,513,105 2,175,126 2,770,194 2,855,000 2,855,000 2,480,385 287,722 287,722 238,298 287,005 2,301,305 217,852 202,000 202,000 2,220,661 251,674 2,001,935 2,855,000 2,855,000 251,325 20,693,630 27,891,180 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 20 2,000,000 2.25 202,000 230.0 2,389,478 232,143 236,821 216,538 273,879 2.31 2.85 2.25 280,000 207,201 | We found 78 numbers that start with the digit 3. Here they are: 3,894,685 33,795,795 352,773 3,550,000 3,115,711 33,795,795 3,438,694 389,093 3,629,109 3,550,000 347,028 393,450 3,503,578 339,232 339,232 3,000 3,325,544 3,115,711 3,115,711 30,840 30,840 3 3 32,516 35,055 3,550,000 359,492 3,568,456 3,894,685 30,330 3 339,232 3.9 30 398,968 30 36 3,272,747 3.4 3.2 354,908 391,271 3,264,351 30,840 3.2 3.4 3.0 3,851,675 3,550,000 3,550,000 347,028 347,028 393,450 393,450 3,917,761 348,097 3,416,444 343,109 3,976,610 338,412 323,087 369,505 389,093 356,278 338,549 3,854,681 3,682,248 3,410,499 3,415,388 33,795,795 396 348,711 3,550,000 36 3,000 3,550,000 3,550,000 350,000 |
4's | 5's | 6's |
We found 64 numbers that start with the digit 4. Here they are: 4,178,446 493,288 4,922,585 408,982 4,386,640 408,475 4,713,565 4,806,641 430,000 430,000 410,317 4,549,508 4,549,508 4.73 4,039 408,982 459,972 47 4,549,508 4,549,508 40,233 41,195 430,000 466,313 451,338 46,895 45,825 410,317 4.7 4.2 4 45,664 4,760 4.9 4,178,176 4,922,585 4.75 4.75 454,600 4.2 42,903 46,288 42,903 4,386,640 430,000 430,000 410,317 410,317 48,707 471,669 408,475 493,447 430,000 430,000 4,549,508 4,386,640 4,903,749 4,067,988 4.83 4.0 453,359 4,888,740 4.18 4.73 | We found 51 numbers that start with the digit 5. Here they are: 5,360,077 588,355 5,045,350 5,045,350 5,246,715 53 59,986 580,348 58 5,045,350 5,045,350 5,045,350 5,366,635 5,089,417 5,854,696 5.5 5.3 5 53 5,299,261 501,988 5,360,077 5 50,000 509,133 509,133 5.15 509,133 509,133 560,171 560,171 5 500 56,503 5,045,350 587,554 588,355 588,355 521,597 575,470 5,253,587 5,053,584 5,904,615 5 598,336 580,348 5,089,417 54 55 5 50,000 | We found 48 numbers that start with the digit 6. Here they are: 6,825,887 6,539,371 6,857,364 6,186,638 6,382,166 6,072,823 6,042,586 60,000 6,563,523 657 6,585,376 6,586,033 6,932,543 6,932,543 63,191 663,984 694,314 6,140,000 6,586,033 6,825,887 654,774 6,825,887 62,284 665,184 6,539,371 6 6,906 66 6,762,090 6,762,090 6 6 6.5 6.2 652,919 6,186,638 6,382,166 6,734,202 600,565 6,186,638 6,825,887 6,666,668 6,666,668 6.75 60.0 6,563,523 6,586,033 6,042,586 |
7's | 8's | 9's |
We found 30 numbers that start with the digit 7. Here they are: 7,299,391 739,449 75,817 7,332,030 765,279 7.2 704,729 765,091 7 7 75,727 7.2 7,248,635 70,922 70 7.3 7 753,911 7,299,391 779,492 74,918 753,976 718,303 739,449 75,817 75,817 772,265 748,898 704,392 74,883 | We found 41 numbers that start with the digit 8. Here they are: 8,971,737 826,795 8,548,928 8,578,746 8,481,338 8,481,338 8,070,283 814,874 814,874 8,983 872,215 872,215 89,531 89,531 89,531 89,531 8,481,338 8,481,338 8,481,338 897,289 8,543,685 8,971,737 8 8.0 872,073 8,203,839 8,188,742 8,188,742 8,204,117 8,188,742 8,204,117 8,481,338 858,063 85,388 826,795 8,971,737 80 8 8.0 8,983 8,820,570 | We found 49 numbers that start with the digit 9. Here they are: 91,832 98,889,581 947,946 97,408 9,099,230 9,974,416 9,829,793 9,297,538 930 98,889,581 9,099,230 9,099,230 9,099,230 991,783 991,783 991,783 94,658,223 99,207,731 90,726,393 99,207,731 97,622 93,620 94,113 9,442,290 9,426,264 9,099,230 991,783 94 95 94,030 937,652 996,636 9 96,465 9 9,258,046 9,258,046 900,000 900,000 9 91 947,946 925,759 933,051 965,006 991,783 9,974,416 96,154 9 |
10Q Filed 11/13/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 758 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10K Filed 4/1/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 690 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/15/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 479 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/12/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 728 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/15/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 740 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10K Filed 3/31/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ❌ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 1,810 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/14/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 662 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/15/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 795 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10K Filed 3/31/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 644 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/16/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 567 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/16/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 726 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/15/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 485 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10Q Filed 8/14/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 634 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10Q Filed 11/14/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 738 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10K Filed 3/31/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 693 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |
10Q Filed 5/14/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
XBRL? ✓ [ original filing ] Total numbers found: 571 ■ = Typical PTPI range from 3/31/2021 to 11/13/2024 |